Well-being Experiment #007. Virtual Workouts

Tracy (Wolfbiss) Cohen
4 min readApr 24, 2020

Hi friends & family,

When it come to well-being, physical activity is often one of the first things people think of. Each day that passes, it has become increasingly more difficult to motivate myself to exercise in front of a computer or TV screen; it is just not the same as going to my favorite studio and exercising with friends. Nevertheless, I adapt because I immediately feel the benefits of exercising on not just my physical well-being, but my mood as well. I believe exercise is one of the primary tools to get me through this indefinite period.

I am so grateful instructors and studios that have adapted in this new environment. Thanks to the suggestions of several of you, today’s email includes a variety of virtual-friendly exercise options. Hopefully you can save this email, and refer back to it as you get sick of your current exercise routines. Also keep in mind that many of these studios offer free 7–14 day trial periods, so you really have nothing to lose. Let me know what you try, and if you have any additional suggestions to add in a future email!

With love & light,

PS — If you’re just joining or were forwarded this email, you can subscribe here and look for these emails in your inbox every Wednesday & Sunday. I’ve included links below to my prior emails by topic.

Well-being Tip #007. Virtual Workout Options

[Physical Well-being: The role that you take in maintaining your body for strength, vitality and energy.]

Here’s a list of online workout resources (pretty much all of which were compiled by my friend Sam Lexton’s group of business school friends and my work colleagues — so thank you all for making my life a little easier!)

[Please note most of the below link to the studio website, but you can also check out the studio Instagram page or YouTube channel for additional free content if it is available! Also, for most classes limited/no equipment is needed, though you can always improvise (e.g. I’ve been using wine bottles as weights!) or wait 30 days for an Amazon order]


  • Pilates House ($12/class, 10 classes for $100) *This is my studio in Baltimore which I cannot recommend more!
  • P.volve (Free 14-day trial; $19.99/month)
  • Wundabar (Free 7-day trial, $24.99/month)




Cardio / Sculpt:

  • The Class by Taryn Toomey (Free 14-day trial, then $40/month) *This is getting me through quarantine — thanks Amy Rosenfeld & Nikki Mendell for the suggestion!
  • The Sculpt Society (Free 14-day trial, then $19.99/month)
  • Body by Simone (Free 2-week trial, then $15.99/month)
  • Exhale (Free 14-day trial, then $19.99/month)


Strength Training / Full Body / Miscellaneous:

Boxing & HIIT:

Instagrams to Check-out:

If instruction isn’t your thing, this New York Times article also has some great suggestions such as bringing movement to tiny moments:

  1. Do squats between Netflix episodes
  2. Do heel raises when washing the dishes
  3. Knock out push-ups while you’re waiting for a pot of water to boil
  4. Dance — turn on music and boogie with your partner or children!

Did you know there are multiple dimensions of well-being? Each email focuses on one element from the University of Michigan’s definition which encompasses: Physical, Emotional/Mental, Environmental, Financial, Occupational, Social, and Intellectual Well-being. Well-being is a passion of mine, and these tips & tricks are solely based on my own research and personal experiences.In case you missed it, here are links to some of my prior posts by topic:

Emotional/Mental Well-being:
April 1st: Well-being Tip #001. Quaran-screen time
April 8th: Well-being Tip #003. Gratitude Attitude
Social Well-being:
April 5th: Well-being Tip #002. Connecting during COVID-19
Intellectual Well-being:
April 12th: Well-being Tip #004. The more you know…
Spiritual Well-being:
April 15th: Well-being Tip #005. Finding Meaning
Guest Posts:

April 19th: Well-being Tip #006. Silver Linings by Linda Jacobs, LMHC

